Sunday, 21 March 2010


The idea of an "earthship" was thought up in the 1970's as a way to live more in harmony with the environment without sacrificing modern delicacies. It's basically a home that is off the grid and made of materials that would otherwise be burried in a landfill...a.k.a.; trash. The walls of an earthship are made of dirt-packed tires, bottles, and cans. Pretty neat way to recycle, huh? After the walls are set, they are then covered with an outside covering of siding for uniformity, but the internal structure is dirt and trash that will end up regulating it's own temperature, making A.C. and Heating a thing of the past. The rooftop of a 3,000 sq.ft. ceiling will collect 2,000 gallons of water in a one-inch rainfall. This water will be filtered with specialized plants and used for drinking, bathing, washing and eventually toilets until finally being returned back the earth. The earthship also supports its own garden, so grocery shopping wont be as necessary as before. Solar pannals are used to energize all of the household appliances, including lighting, refridgerator, washer, T.V., computers (etc.).
The cost of building an earthship is comparable to a normal home, it just takes a little longer to build and gather the building materials. However, once living in it, the electric, water, and grocery bill are almost eliminated. This is a fascinating idea, and one that I will definitely look into in the future.

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