Sunday, 7 February 2010

Feburary 3, 2010

When it comes to saving our planet, there are many different types of people. Some don't give a rip about what happens because their selfish ego knows that they will be dead by the time disaster happens. Some are so extreme to save the planet that they organize mass suicides. Others do what they can in the little things like recycling, driving less and taking shorter showers. The facts are there...are we over populated? Yes. Are we running out of oil and natural gas sources? Yes. Are our crops drying up, causing more hunger? Yes.

It's a sad truth many of us have heard over and over again through the history of our teachers. For some of us, the facts hit us the first time and we are doing the little things we can to play our part in helping the earth. For others who don't care, more knowledge is NOT going to change their mind. And for the remainder of students who care, but don't know what exactly to do, they need to see the options they have to live a greener life.

We know the facts, and I will do what I can to play my part. However, the actions of the rest of the world are out of my hands. I will do what I can and hopefully influence those around me, but the fate of the world depends on the actions of the entirety of humanity. But the question is raised; When has the entire world played for the same team? Never. I find it pointless to be worried about the actions of people who I have no control over. I find it pointless to loose sleep over what it ultimately out of my hands. I, personally, will live a green life style and pray that God intervenes and saves our beautiful planet.

Hippie Extremist Cry For Tree Suffering

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